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Silence …. Adam Nazar Marri

Silence of Responsible People- a big threat to Progress of a society

                 A leaked ship sinks in the sea when water pours in it, likewise a society moves towards destruction while evils and vices take place in it without any resistance. It is noteworthy to mention here that culture of silence has become common in our society. Despite noticing wickedness and misconduct in the society, people keep calm and do not dare to resist against culprits and wicked persons. There is a well known saying, “A society or a community does not spoil by evil deeds of ferocious and callous people rather it detoriates by dint of silence and calmness of great and responsible people.Silence culture has given opportunity to miscreantsand scoundrels to achieve their target very easily. When we see a transgressor or a criminal doing crime in the society and we ignore him and let him do his job. Resultantly, crime and vices level increases in the society. It does not mean that where people speak, write and control criminals and narcotics sellers, theire crime and narcotics would be at zero level. There may crime and vices prevail but definitely at minimum level.

                Moreover, my own village illustration is quite interesting. Where silence of responsible and elder people has given space to lawbreakers and narcotics addicted people to play their dangerous role and devastate the conducive environmentof the village.

Youths never wasted their precious time in wasteful activities. No one of my villagers even could imagine themselve to indulge or involve in small scale misconduct. With the passage of time, one of the boys of my village began drinking wine. I myself appraised my elderly men about the boy and told them to scold or control him lest he should effect other boys of the village. They (elderly men) listenstory of the boy, sucked their lips and kept silent and said nothing to the boy. Just one year passed, today, more than 10 (ten)boys have been addicted of rum by dint of company of that boy. If responsible men of my village scolded the boy or controlled him then he and other boys of village would be prevented from addiction of wine.

                More significantly, almost everyone knows about his city or village’s dangerous gangster, heroin sellers, even some people know target killers but no one has mettle to act against them. However, fear is the biggest barrier in the way of removal of these injurious and devastating elements. The fear and timidity force us to keep silent. The main reason behind prevalence of vices and evil deeds in our society is the culture of silence. When writers halt their pens, when leaders and responsible persons stop speaking against notorious people and culprits. In turn, callous and miscreants play their monstrous role and target killings, kidnapping for ransom, gambling, drinking etc become order of the day everywhere.

                More importantly, Arabia before Mohammad (SAW) was completely in darkness and despondency. There was no limit of callousness and brutality,female children were buried alive,gambling and drinking were at peak. At every side just vices and evils were seen. No one could dare to resist against prevailing crimes and evils. When Mohammad (SAW)felt the deep length of wickedness and brutality of people. He (Peach be upon him) strove hard to purify the society. He (PBUH) gave a brave fighting against the evils and vices. Day and night, he struggled for removal of notorious elements of the society. In the long run, He (Peach be upon him) saved the Arabia, purified the society and transferred darkness into light.

                Conclusively, If we see brutality and wickedness at high level today, because there is no one to speak, write or act against culprits and wrongdoers. Our society portrays a picture of grief. Kidnappers kidnap people for ransom easily, targets killers succeed in their missions, narcotics sellers sell their narcotics without any trouble…. And why silence? And till when?Should we sit and watch and let their tide sweep us away? What about our next generation? Should we allow them to fall prey to monstrous evils? No and never. We must speak and we must be bold and let not grow evils and make our society civilized. It is responsibility of every students, teachers, writers and think tank to shun fear and trepidations and give a brave fighting against scoundrels and malefactors in order to purify and civilize the society.

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