Home » شیرانی رلی » The Interrogation ۔۔۔۔۔۔ Sarwat Zehra / Rizwan Ali

The Interrogation ۔۔۔۔۔۔ Sarwat Zehra / Rizwan Ali

What is your name?
In this city of silence
Life is a crime.
You are charged with the crime of living.
What do you do?
I pray!
To pray is a crime
in sin’s market.
In every street, in every bazaar,
in my whole precinct prayer is a crime.
You are charged with the crime of praying.
Where do you live?
This is my road!
This is my street!
Look at yourself!
Dreams’ germs! They cling to your body!
The deadly things will infect the city!
You are charged with spreading
unsanitized dreams.
What are you hiding
beneath your eyelids?
Sir, only light!
So you dare to steal light!
Thief! You are charged with stealing daylight.
You’ll surely be handcuffed in Time.

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